My approach to family sessions is simple – I want you to be you! It’s my job to reflect the essence of what makes your family unique, in the most authentic way I can. I want to capture real, raw emotion – it’s about storytelling, not technical precision. I want my photographs to FEEL like your family, not just LOOK like your family. Yes, we will get a couple of: ‘”look at the camera” portraits, but posed, “say cheeese” shots are not high on my agenda. I want interaction, the connectivity, honesty and warmth!
My aim is that you leave you session having had some good quality time as a family and a fun relaxed experience. I am hugely inspired by beautiful, natural light and may stop in my tracks or stop you in yours when I see some light to play with. Otherwise I’m an observer, with a particularly keen eye for the special, fleeting moments – a twinkle in the eye or a hearty laugh, sometimes even a tear roll. Letting you be you with as little interference from me as possible but just enough encouragement to ensure a comfortable flow, is how I like to manage my shoots.
I want your photos to remind you of just how much you all love each other!

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